

These practices will flow from pose to pose in a seamless manner.  You will link together poses in a breath to movement pattern that feels very natural.  These practices include a gentle warm-up, guidance to a peak posture, and a cool-down ending in savasana.

Grounding (18 minutes)

This vinyasa flow is fairly quick, but packs some serious impact.  Use this practice to move your whole body and help yourself ground down whenever things are feeling a bit *much*.

Suggested props: none

Suggested music:    20 min- Vinyasa

Funky Goddess Warrior (17 minutes)

This quick vinyasa flow is fun and funky.  Exactly what you are looking for if you’re feeling a little stuck in your practice or just life in general.  This flow mixes it up without getting overly complicated and feels good for the whole body.

Suggested props: none

Suggested music:    15 min- Vinyasa

Ladder (28 minutes)

This vinyasa flow revisits some of your favorite poses, but with a bit of a twist. We will build up to a “ladder” flow where each time we go through our sequence we add on a new pose, building until we get to our full sequence.  This style of flow can be really helpful if you struggle to keep your mind from wandering during your practice. And, really, it’s just fun and good for us to mix it up sometimes!

Suggested props: block

Suggested music:    30 min- Vinyasa

Humble Warrior (19 minutes)

This vinyasa practice is absolutely awesome for your shoulders and upper-back.  The practice is a quick one and one that you’ll want to come back to again and again– especially after a long day of work!

Suggested props: 2 blocks

Suggested music:    20 min- Vin

Standing Hand to Big Toe (39 minutes)

This is a really fun vinyasa flow!  You’ll be working on stretching out the hamstrings and strengthening your quads and calves– some serious low-body love.  Plus, the poses included in this flow have also been connected to back pain relief. 

Suggested props: 2 blocks

Suggested music:    40 min- Vinyasa

Toe Stand (15 minutes)

This vinyasa practice is short and sweet, so it gets right to the point.  Core strengthening is incorporated throughout this flow, and you’ll get in some great hip stretching.  This flow incorporates toe stand which is an underrated pose that really targets some of those harder to get to areas of the body that need a little extra love.

Suggested props: blocks

Suggested music:    15 min- Vinyasa

Revolved Triangle (40 minutes)

This vinyasa flow is absolutely awesome for your hamstrings!  And those tend to be some of the tightest muscles in most bodies– they need lots of love.  Of course, the aftermath of stretching your hammys always feels good, but sometimes in the moment it’s not quite as fun… That’s where the twists come in!  This practice also includes plenty of twists, which are great for your core and generally just plain feel good.  Really, you’re getting the best of both worlds with this practice.

Suggested props: blocks

Suggested music:    40 min-Vinyasa

Bow (30 minutes)

This vinyasa flow is exactly what you need to balance out our modern day livin’.  Lots of rounding forward– which isn’t bad on its own, but does need to be balanced out.  Use this practice full of chest- and shoulder-opening poses, along with some lovely backbends, to help you get your upper body feeling goooood.

Suggested props: block, bolster, blanket

Suggested music:    30 min- Vinyasa

Lizard (20 minutes)

This is a quick and well-rounded practice.  Use this practice to stretch your hips and strengthen your glutes and hamstrings.  Added benefit: your hip flexors will get a little much needed attention in this practice, as well.

Suggested props: blocks

Suggested music:    20 min- Vinyasa

Grounding (24 minutes)

This vinyasa flow is just what you need for those times when you feel like you are pulled in a million directions, or simply just don’t quite feel like yourself.  Use this practice to help you ground down, move your body and reconnect with yourself. 

Suggested props: block and bolster

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    25 min- Vinyasa

Fallen Triangle (29 minutes)

This vinyasa flow is a double-whammy!  First, it helps you stretch out your low body– particularly your hamstrings and hips which can get really tight in most people.  Second, it helps strengthen your shoulders and arms.  It’s a win-win!

Suggested props: block

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    30 min- Vinyasa

Camel (20 minutes)

This is a quick practice to help you give your torso a little love.  This flow is designed to open up the shoulders and chest, and can even help ease some low-back discomfort.  It also stretches the hip-flexors, which do  A LOT of work for us and don’t always get the love they need. 

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    20 min- Vinyasa

Sugarcane (32 minutes)

This practice covers a lot of bases!  We’ve got backbends, quad lengthening, shoulder stretches, and balance work.  All of that helps keep your mind focused and helps for the practice to go by quickly.  Be sure to come back to this whenever you are looking for a full-body flow.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    30 min- Vinyasa

Wild Thing (41 minutes)

This flow is sure to make your heart sing! (Get it?... if not, please immediately listen to Wild Thing by Sam Kinison and then report back)  Seriously, though, this flow is great for opening the entire front of your body, improving spine strength, and building muscles in your shoulder and core.  It’s a fantastic practice you’ll want to revisit time and time again.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    40 min- Vinyasa

Yogi Squat (10 minutes)

This is a super quick flow that will fit perfectly into any schedule!  When you are short on time, but feel like your body just needs some movement– this is the practice for you.  It also works great as a way to warm up or cool down from a workout.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    10 min- Vinyasa

Monkey Twist (21 minutes)

This practice is short and sweet, but is sure to incorporate your whole body.  This is the perfect flow for pre- or post- workout, or whenever you are short on time.  Enjoy!

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    20 min- Vinyasa

Triangle (27 minutes)

This vinyasa flow is not overly-complicated, but it boasts so many benefits!  Throughout this practice you will strengthen your core, improve balance and stability, reduce stress, while stretching out your shoulders and hips.  There have also been claims of reducing low back pain through several of these poses!  So. Many. Benefits.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    30 min- Vinyasa

Warrior III (25 minutes)

This vinyasa flow is just what you need for a quick pick-me-up yoga session during the week. This flow has some incredible work to help you improve your balance and build your stabilizing muscles. Plus, there are plenty of hamstring and hip-openers to help release tension in your low-body.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    25 min- Vinyasa

Bound Side Angle (38 minutes)

This practice is designed to be kind to your low back, while helping you to strengthen your legs and torso.  Plus, there are tons of chest-opening stretches that are so popular and important with all of the work we do on phones and computers these days! 

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    40 min- Vinyasa

Dancer (22 minutes)

This is sure to quickly become one of your favorite practices!  It is short, but hits all of the fan favorites: chest opening, hip stretches, and overall strengthening.  Use this flow to help you center and reset whenever you need it.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    20 min- Vinyasa 

Crow (31 minutes)

Get ready to work on some arm-balance with this vinyasa flow!  Crow pose may be one of those fancy poses that you see yogis doing on Instagram with some picturesque background, but don’t let that scare you!  This flow helps you build core and arm strength, then we play around with arm-balance with different prop options, different ways to build up to crow pose, and me falling right on my butt– so no judgments!  Try it out and just enjoy the process.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    30 min-  Vinyasa

Half Moon (28 minutes)

This flow is one you’re going to want to revisit time and time again.  Use this practice to help you strengthen around your ankle and knee joints and activate your core.  Plus, there is research to show half moon pose helps to increase your ability to focus– I am for sure not going to turn down anything that helps me in that area!

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    30 min-  Vinyasa

Eagle (30 minutes)

Opening hips and shoulders are two of the top-most requested stretches that I hear about… and this flow does BOTH!! This half-hour practice is incredibly well-rounded, gets the body moving, connects to breath, and is a wonderful reset for your body after all of the work we do sitting and on computers/phones.  Be sure to check it out!

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    30 min-  Vinyasa

Half Squat (18 minutes)

This flow starts with some really gentle yin postures and a brief breathing exercise to help relax your entire body and mind.  Then, we move into a really well-rounded vinyasa practice.  Use this time to connect with your breath and mind, move your entire body, and work on a bit of balance (always needed– either in yoga or in your life…).

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    15 min-  Vinyasa

Goddess (46 minutes)

 Here is a practice that focuses on two of my favorites: hip stretches and twists.  This flow was specifically designed for athletes, but no matter how you feel about your overall athletic prowess, this practice will leave you feeling good!

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    45  min-  Vinyasa

Warrior Dance (16 minutes)

Give yourself some much needed movement with this full-body flow!  This practice uses tons of favorite poses and sequences, making it feel like a very comfortable flow.  Use this practice anytime you are looking for a quick reset.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    15 min- Vinyasa

Yoga for After Work (24 minutes)

Need a way to reset after a long day at work?  This flow is designed exactly for that.  This practice helps you to bring some openness to your upper body and relieve stress in the hips/hamstrings that may come up after sitting for a long period of time.  It is quick and not too strenuous, but allows you to move and reset your body, so you can actually ENJOY your time after getting home from work.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:    30 min- Vinyasa

Bow (16 minutes)

Don’t think you can get a good full-body stretch in just 15 minutes? I absolutely challenge you to try out this practice! This flow includes plenty of heart/chest openers to really stretch out your upper body. Enjoy!

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music:   15 min- Vinyasa

Sugarcane (52 minutes)

This balanced flow will get your whole body moving.  Strengthen and stretch out your lower body, while we open the chest and shoulders.  This practice is ideal to incorporate into your routine whenever you need to feel refreshed.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music: 50 min-  Vinyasa

Yoga for Self Love (16 minutes)

Use this flow to help show yourself a little extra self-love.  This quick flow moves the entire body and incorporates some juicy heart-openers to help you feel more comfortable in your own skin.  Come back to this practice each time you need a quick reset.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music: 15 min-  Vinyasa

Revolved Crescent (27 minutes)

Enjoy this beautiful, twisty flow whenever you are needing a bit of a refresh.  This practice is one that can be revisited time and time again, and will always leave your body feeling energized and ready to go!

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music: 30 min-  Vinyasa

Yogi Squat (38 minutes)

This word that comes to mind with this practice is balance.  There’s some deep stretches, some strengthening of muscles, some flowy sequences, and some longer holds.  There’s just about a little bit of everything in here!

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music: 40 min- Vinyasa

Yoga to Wind Down (18 minutes)

Gift yourself some time before bed to help wind-down and make it easier to settle into sleep.  This practice is full of gentle seated and reclined poses to allow both your body and mind to slow down.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music: 20 min- Vinyasa (Wind down)

Triangle (17 minutes)

This super speedy flow will leave you with a smile on your face.  This practice helps you activate your core and helps open both hips and shoulders. Use it to squeeze a little extra movement into your day– your body and mind will thank you.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music: 15 min- Vinyasa

Revolved Half Moon (53 minutes)

Take time for yourself with this twisty flow!  This practice includes both a juicy warm-up AND cool-down to bookend some core and lower body strengthening poses.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music: 50 min- Vinyasa

Yoga for Runners (32 minutes)

Open up your hips, increase lower body mobility, and stretch out those tight muscles with this flow!  It is designed specifically with runner’s in mind, and complements a running regimen.  HOWEVER, even if you haven’t run since the dreaded Middle School PE Mile Day, you can still benefit from this practice– it’s a fantastic addition to any active lifestyle.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music: 30 min- Vinyasa

Half Moon (22 minutes)

Looking to get your body moving and your mood boosted? Look no further!  In this practice you get to work on opening your chest and shoulders while strengthening your glutes.  Try this flow just once and you’ll be coming back to it again and again.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music: 20 min- Vinyasa

Tree (47 minutes)

The warm-up alone in this practice will leave your body feeling fantastic!  Take some time to get into deep stretches, work on hip mobility, and improve your balance.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music: 45 min- Vinyasa

Wheel (31 minutes)

This flow brings openness to the entire front of your body.  Wheel can look intimidating, but don’t let that deter you!  There are so many “pit-stops” leading up to wheel that feel wonderful, and this practice will show you those options.  You can try something new or stick to what you love and feels best in your body.  It’s your practice, and THIS practice can help you embrace that.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music: 30 min- Vinyasa

Mountain (30 minutes)

If I had to pick just one yoga flow to do for the rest of my life, this would be it!  Thankfully, none of us are forced to make that decision (I mean, look at all the variety in this library!), but this is definitely a practice worth checking out.  This full-body flow will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music: 30 min-Vinyasa

Sugarcane (57 minutes)

This sweet flow is perfect to get your whole body moving.  We will open the quads and chest, while we work on balance and backbends.  Is there anything sweeter than that? Also, you can be thankful that I didn’t think of these sickeningly sweet sugarcane jokes until after I completed this practice.

This video has also been added to YouTube-- access it there whenever you'd like!

Suggested music: 60 min- Vinyasa

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